Starship Size Comparison Chart Compiled by Dirk Loechel. based on work by various others, updated / но полное :: сравнение кк из разных вселенных :: хотелось бы найти изображение с таким же разришением :: Повторный запрос

Повторный запрос сравнение кк из разных вселенных хотелось бы найти изображение с таким же разришением но полное песочница 
Starship Size Comparison Chart Compiled by Dirk Loechel. based on work by various others, updated 2013 Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Warlock Class 1992 meters Crusade Earth Alliance Shadow Hybrid 1000 meters (approximate) Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Omega Class 1714 meters i Alliance non Class
Starship Size Comparison Chart Compiled by Dirk Loechel. based on work by various others, updated 2013 Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Warlock Class 1992 meters Crusade Earth Alliance Shadow Hybrid 1000 meters (approximate) Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Omega Class 1714 meters i Alliance non Class meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Praetor-Class Star Battlecrulser 4000 motors Star Wars Galactic Empire Escort Carrier 500 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Star Galleoon Class 450 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Bakura-Class Fast Frigato 850 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Praetor-ll Class Battlocruisor 4800 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Storm Commando Carrior 600 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Torpodo Sphoro Class Assault Ship 1900 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Toctor-Class Star Dostroyor 1600 meters Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Nova Class 1502 meters Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Earth Force One 425 meters Star Wars Galactic Republic Centurion-Class Battlocruisor 1200 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Interdictor-Class Star Destroyer 1600 motors Star Wars Galactic Empire Arc Hammer Class Mobile Armod Factory 9500 meters Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Olympus Class 444 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Immobillzer-class medium frigate 600 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Bellator-Class star Droadnaught 7200 meters Star Wars Galactic Republic Interdictor-Class Cruisor 600 meters Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Explorer Class 6104 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Socutor-Class Star Cruisor 2200 meters Star Wars New Republic MC90-Class Star Cruisor 1255 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Allegiance-Class Star Cruiser 2200 motors ^ Star Wars Galactic Empiro Imperial Leviathan Factory Ship 5000 meters star Wars Rebel Alleiancc/New Republic Modiator-Class Star Droadnaught 8500 meters Babylon 5 Nam Regime TLoth Class 1050 meters Stor Wars Galactic Empire/Galactic Republic Mandator I Star Dreadnought 8.680 meters Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Posoidon-Class Suporcarrior 2480 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Vindicator-class cruiser 600 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Procurator-class Star Battlocruisor 2500 meters Star Wars Imperial Remnant Turbulent-class Star Destroyer 1600 meters approx Star Wars ^ v M9 New Republic Republic-class Star Destroyer 1250 meters —Babylon 5 j~ 'T ■ Nam Regime _ _ . * VV V 1*1 - Bin'Tak Cruisor EVE 1980 meters t Gallente Federation Iterion 1 Class Industrial Ship 364 meters 1 • Babylon 5 . Nam Regime • '••• - Nam Cruiser I EVE 990 meters Gallente Federation Obelisk-Class Freighter ...______ 1034 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Preservation-class Destroyer 900 meters Babylon 5 Centauri Republic Primus Class 1586 meters Star Wars New Republic Nebula-class Star Destroyer 1040 meters Babylon 5 Nam Regime G'Quon Class 1407 meters Babylon 5 Minbari Federation Shari in Class 1660 meters Babylon 5 Centauri Republic Balavian Class Cruisor 1611 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Souvoroign-Class Super Star Dostroyor 15000 meters Star Wars Galactic Republic / Galactic Empire Venator Class Destroyer 1137 meters Star Wars Trade Federation Lurehulk Class Battleship 3170 meters EVE Gallente Federation Exequror-Class Cruiser 412 motors EVE Gallente Federation Iterion 2 Class Industrial Ship 490 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Nar Shadda-class Destroyer 1100 meters approx Star Wars Galactic Republic I Galactic Empire Acdamator Class Landing Ship 752 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Chancellor-class Star Destroyer 2100 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Galactic-class BattJecarrter 1625 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperlum Class Super Star Destroyer 5000 Meters Approx Star Wars Galactic Empire Valiant-class Destroyer 1300 meters Babylon 5 Brakiri Avioki Class 1024 meters Babylon 5 Centauri Republic Vor chan Class 608 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Pllus-class Destroyer 876 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Imperial-1 Class Destroyer 1600 meters v-n_ Babylon 5 Centauri Republic Corvan Class 304 meters Star Wars as Providence Class Carrier 1088 meters Star Wars Commerce Guild Recursant Class Support Destroyer 1187 meters Star Wars CIS Descent-class Dreadnaught 975 meters EVE Gallente Federation Moros-Class Dreadnaught 3207 meters r a EVE Gallente Federation , * Itorion 4 Class Industrial Ship 280 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Victory-II class Star Destroyer 900 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Victory-I Class Star Destoryer 900 meters Babylon 5 Centauri Republic Kutai Class Corvette 460 meters Babylon 5 The Shadov/s Scout Vessel (typical) 350 meters (average) Star Wars Galactic Empire Annlhllator-class Star Destoyer 1800 meters Babylon 5 Drazi Sunhawk Class 350 meters Star Wars Corporate Sector Authority Invlnclble-class Heavy Cruiser 2011 meters EVE Gallente Federation Iterion 5 Class Industrial Ship 1097 meters Babylon 5 Minbari Federation Tinashi Class 869 meters EVE Gallente Federation Iterion 3 Class Industrial Ship 551 meters Star Wars CIS Subjugator Class Battleship 5000 meters approx Babylon 5 The Shadows Attack Vessel (typical) 1500 meters (average) Star Wars Galactic Empire Eclipse-Class Super star Destroyer 17500 meters Babylon 5 Vorlon Empire Transport 131 meters Star Wars Mandalorean Crusades Kandosll-type dreadnaught 1360 meters Legend of the Rangers Interstellar Alliance Uandra Class 162 meters Star Wars Mandalorean Crusades Jehave/lr-type assault ship 166 meters Star Wars CIS Predator-class Cruiser 715 meters Star Wars Mandalorean Crusades Arrowhead Battlecarrler 2256 meters Babylon 5 Vorlon Empire Heavy Cruiser 1330 meters Star Wars Mandalorean Crusades Crusader-class corvette 155 meters Crusade Interstellar Alliance Victory Class 2990 meters Star Wars CIS Invisible Hand Battlecrulser 1200 meters approx Babylon 5 Drakh Hordes Raider 215 meters Star Wars CIS Revenue-class Frigate 675 mters Babylon 5 Interstellar Alliance Valen Class 900 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Mon Calamah Star Cruiser 2300 meters (approximate) SUr Wars Rebel Allalnce Liberator cruiser 800 meters SUr Wars CIS Ubrtkklan Customs Destroyer 975 meters SUr Wars Rebel Alliance Nebulon-B Escort Frigate 300 meters Babylon 5 Drakh Hordes Heavy Cruiser 3316 meters SUr Wars Rebel Allalnce Assault Frlflate 400 meters Star Wars Rebel Allalnce Mon Calamarl Frigate 580 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Liberty Class Cruiser 1552 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Dreadnaught-Class Havy Cruiser 800 meters Babylon 5 Interstellar Alliance Whitestar Class 476 meters SUr Wars CIS Geonoslan Plnnance 1700 meters SUr Wars Rebel Alliance Mon Calamari SUr Cruiser 1609 meters SUr Wars Rebel Alliance Mon Calamah SUr Cruiser 2200 meters (approximate) SUr Trek United Federation of Planets Akira Class 440 meters SUr Trek United Federation of Planets Sovereign Class 685 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Strike Cruiser 450 Meters • л«» Babylon 5 Thirdspace Alien ------- Heavy Cruiser 2000 meters (approximate) Star Wars Rebel Alliance Corelllan Destroyer 1187 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Corellian Corvette 151 meters Star Wars Rebel Allalnce Assault Frigate Mark II 700 meters Star Wars CIS Tlgon-class Battleship 879 meters Star Wars Rebel Allalnce Bothan Assault Cruiser 8S0 meters Star Trek Star Trek: Renaissance United Federation of Planets United Federation of Planets Intrepid Class Phoenix Class 344 meters 569 meters Star Trek Star Trek United Federation of Planets United Federation of Planets Star Trek 4^1 Constitution Class (refit) P-. _ United Federation of Planets f: _ 289 meters (305 meters) iT— Apo//o Class 469 meters 423 motors _4 T . -T United Federation of Planets starTrek Ambassador Class Star Trek . Klingon Empire 526 meters Klingon Empiro Military Transport StarTrek K'vort Class 500 meters United Federation of Planets 327 meters StarTrek Defiant Class Sinnnn ' Klingon Empire 122 meters g Klingon Empire B'rel Class StarTrek XSF" NoggrasShip 109 meters SUr Trek Klingon Empire 600 motors m - United Federation of Planets Neghvar Class Ga/axy Class 682 meters 542 meters SUr Trek - StarTrek StarTrek Klingon Empire * —: Romulan Empire StarTrek Cardassian Union Vor cha Class Roman Scimitar Romulan Star Empire fni ^ 481 meters 890 meters Bird-of-Prey 481 meters 131 meters SUr Trek Romulan SUr Empire Valdore Class 604 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Bulwark-class Battleship 3501 meters StarTrek United Federation of Planets Excelsior Class 467 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Home One Class Battleship 3810 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Corelllan Battleship 2500 meters Star Wars Intergalacbc Banking Clan Munifient Class War Frigate 852 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Coreellan CC-9600 Frigate 270 meters Star Wars Rebel Alliance Transport 244 meters EVE Gallente Federation Erebus-Class Titan 14764 meters Star Wars Galactic Empire Executor Class super Star Destroyer 19000 meters Halo UNSC Infinity-Class Battleship 5600 meters EVE Gallente Federation Nyx-Class Supercarrier 3330 meters EVE Gallente Federation Mogathron-Class Battloship 1017 meters Halo UNSC Charon-Class Frigate 490 meters Warhammcr 40000 Imperium of Man Claymore-Class Corvette 1400 motors Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man Mundus Vecturae Class Freighter 1215 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man Rudderow Class Escort Corvet 640 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man Dark Templar Escort Cruiser 2200 meters EVE ■ Gallente Federation Thanatos-Class Carrier 2268 meters EVE Gallente Federation Dominix-Class Battloship 886 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Ambition-Class Cruisor 4900 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Falchion-Class Frigate 2200 meters StarTrek Romulan Star Empire D'deridex Class 1341 meters Halo UNSC Phoenix Support Vossel 2500 meters Halo UNSC Musashsi-Class Carrior 3000 meters Warhammer 40000 Impenum of Man Viper-Class Schloop 950 motors Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Carrack-Class Armod Transport 2000 meters Halo UNSC Paris-Class Hoavy Frigate 530 meters Star Trek Varro Generational Ship 9320 motors EVE Gallente Federation Myrmidon-Class Battlocruisor 311 meters Warhammor 40000 Imperium of Man Endeavor-Class Light Cruiser 3800 motors Halo UNSC Halcyon-Class Cruisor 1170 meters Warhammor 40000 Raiders and Chaos Iconoclast-Class Destroyer 1300 motors Halo UNSC Marathon-Class Cruisor 1280 meters Warhammcr 40000 Impenum of Man Firestorm-Class Frigate 1800 motors Halo UNSC Hcraclos-Class Hoavy Dostroyor 492 meters Warhammer 40000 Impenum of Man Conquost-Class Star Gallooon 5100 meters StarTrek Varro Habitation Pod 390 motors StarTrek Borg Collective Probe 400 meters (approximate) Star Trek Vidiian Convoy Warship 500 meters (approximate) EVE Gallente Federation Brutix-Class Battlecruiscr 367 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Cobra-Class Dostroyor 1500 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man Jericho Class Pilgrim Ship 2250 meters EVE Gallonto Federation Hypenon-Class Battleship 1700 meters Halo UNSC Inroquois-Class Destroyer 480 motors Warhammer 40000 Impcrium of Man (Cult Mcchanlcus) Socutor-Class Monitor Cruisor 4300 meters Star Trek Vidiian Convoy Scout Ship 200 meters (approximate) Halo UNSC Trafalgar-Class Supercarrier 3200 motors StarTrek Borg Collective Command Ship 820 meters (approximate) Star Trek Borg Collective Tactical Sphere 1200 meters (diameter, approximate) Warhammcr 40000 Impenum of Man Sword-Class Frigate 1600 motors Halo Covenant Empire Heavy Corvette 956 meters EVE Amarr Empire Abaddon-Class Battloship 1243 meters Warhammer 40000 Raiders and Chaos Havoc-Class Raider 1500 meters Warhammor 40000 Imperium of Man Loki-Class Q-Shlp 2000 motors EVE Amarr Empiro Archon-Class Carrier 3255 meters Halo Covenant Empire Assault Carrier 5346 meters Warhammer 40000 Rogue Traders Hazoroth-Class Privateer 1500 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Tcmpcst-Class Strike Frigato 1500 meters EVE Vf Amarr Empire Apocalypso-Class Battloship 1608 meters Warhammor 40000 Impenum of Man Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser 4500 meters StarTrek Borg Collective Scout Sphere 600 meters (diameter, approximate) Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Vagabond-Class Merchant Trador 2000 meters Halo Covenant Empire Battlocruisor 1782 meters EVE Amarr Empire Rovolation-Class Dreadnought 3791 meters Warhammor 40000 Raiders and Chaos Meritech Shlrke-Class Raider 2000 meters Halo Covenant Empire Hoavy Cruisor 1664 meters Warhammor 40000 Impenum of Man Turbulent-Class Heavy Frigate 1950 meters Warhammer 40000 Impcrium of Man Dictator-Class Cruisor 5100 meters Halo Covenant Empire Heavy Cruiser 3000 motors EVE Amarr Empire Armagoddon-Class Battloship 1047 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man Kobold-class Ore Processing Ship 2018 meters Halo Covenant Empire Heavy Frigato 1366 meters EVE Amarr Empire Avatar-Class Titan 13774 motors Warhammer 40000 Impenum of Man (Cult Mechanicus) Lathe-Class Monitor Cruiser 4200 meters EVE Amarr Empire Sigil-Class Industrial Ship 468 meters Warhammor 40000 Imperium of Man Orion-Class Star Clipper 3000 motors Warhammer 40000 Impcrium of Man Mars-Class Battlocruisor 5100 meters Star Trek Borg Collective Assimilation Cube 3040 meters (approximate) Í, +~n.: > EVE Amarr Empire Bostowcr-Class Industrial Ship 683 meters Star Trek Hirogen Venatic Class 600 meters (approximate) I itt-30; ■:<>?'Ó-'аПЙЙ »IWJi « tjtMx - i- •- .. t %. ti t t i Star Trek Borg Collective Tactical Cube 1500 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Lunar-Class O 5000 nv- Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man John Bachmeyer Class Tanker 3481 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Chalico-Class Battlocruisor 5100 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Hound-Class Corvotto 1100 meters Star Trek Krenim Imperium Assault Cruiser 485 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Defonso Monitor System Ship 700 meters (approximate) Star Trek Krenim Imperium Temporal Incursion Ship 1550 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man Bastille Class Prison Ship 418 meters StarTrek Cravic/Pralor Warship 450 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Nioggur-Class Carrier 2047 motors Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man and Chaos Avongor-Class Grand Cruisor 7500 meters Star Trek Husnock Warship 1300 meters (approximate) EVE Amarr Empiro Aeon-Class Supercarrier 5509 meters Warhammor 40000 Imperium of Man (Cult Mechanicus) Goliath-Class Factory Ship _ 4900 motors . Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Armagoddon-Class Battlocruisor 5100 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Typhoon-Class Battloship 988 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Naglfar-Class Dreadnaught 1349 meters (height 5264 meters) StarTrek Unknown Sublight Waste Barge 1400 meters (approximate) EVE Amarr Empire Providonco-Class Freighter 2475 meters EVE Concord Corporation Concord-Class Battleship 1690 motors StarTrek The Doomsday Machine 2700 meters (approximate) EVE Minmatar Republic Hel-Class Supercarrier 4268 motors Warhammer 40000 Chaos Devastation-Class Cruisor 5000 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Maelstrom-Class Battleship 1481 meters Star Trek Kazon Collective Predator Class 1800 meters (approximate) Star Trek Malon Cooperative Waste Export Barge 515 meters EVE Sansha's Nation Nighthawk-Class Battleship 711 meters ^ EVE Minmatar Republic Fcnrir-Class Froightor 1904 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Cyclone-Class Battlccruiser 496 meters StarTrek Malon Cooperative Freighter 470 motors EVE Minmatar Republic Tempest-Class Battleship 996 motors StarTrek Devore Imperium Warship 800 meters (approximate) EVE Minmatar Republic Hurricano-Class Battlocruisor 486 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Hoarder-Class Industrial Ship 381 meters Star Trek Gomtuu 618 meters Warhammer 40000 Chaos Hollbringcr-Class Planetary Assault Ship 4000 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Wreathe-Class Industnal Ship 395 motors StarTrek Son‘a Solidarity Collector Ship 1254 meters StarTrek Son'a Solidarity Battleship 837 meters StarTrek Son'a Solidarity Command Ship 354 meters Warhammer 40000 Imperlum of Man Eternal Crusader mobile Chapter Fortress 10.000 meters Warhammer 40000 Chaos Hades-Class Heary Cruiser 5200 meters 1 Ship i0 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Chaos Soulcago-Class Slavoship 2000 meters EVE Minmatar Republic Ragnarok-Class Titan 18127 motors Star Trek United Nations of Earth Y Class 633 meters Star Trek The Dominion Planetary Assault Ship 4500 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Raiders and Chaos Infidel-Class Raider 1500 meters EVE Angel Cartel Machariel-Class Battloship 1784 meters EVE <f' Jovian Directorate . Eidolon-Class Battloship EVE 1004 meters Jovian Directorate Visitant-Class Industrial Ship 791 meters StarTrek Ferengi Alliance ^ D’Kora Class Marauder 366 meters EVE Caldari State Phoenix-Class Dreadnaught —JL 3427 motors Star Trek — v= Vulcan Confederation Surah Class 400 meters (estimate) eration EVE Minmatar Republic Mammoth-Class Industrial Ship 1261 meters StarTrek The Dominion Battlecruiser 762 meters EVE Caldari State Charon-Class Freighter 2426 meters Star Trek United Nations of Earth NX Class 225 meters StarTrek The Dominion Dreadnought 1500 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Chaos Pestilaan-Class Cruiser 5000 meters Star Trek Vulcan Confederation DKyr Class 600 motors Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man and Chaos Ropulsivo-Class Grand cruisor 7400 meters EVE Caldari Stato Rokh Class Battleship 1007 meters EVE Caldari State Chimora-Class Carrior 2560 meters EVE Caldari State Scorpion-Class Battleship 452 motors Star Trek Vulcan Confed' ShRan Class 596 motors EVE Caldari State Badger-Class Industrial Ship 414 meters EVE Caldari State Wyvorn-Class Suporcarrior 3187 meters Space Pirate Captain Harlock Captain Harlock Arcadia 400 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Imperium of Man Universe-Class Mass Conveyor 12000 meters EVE Caldari State Forox-Class Battlccruiser 452 meters EVE Caldari State Loviathan-Class Titan 18714 meters EVE Caldari State Badger 2 Class Industrial Ship 600 motors EVE Caldari State Bustard-Class Transport Ship 938 meters EVE Caldari Stato Raven-Class Battleship 726 meters Martian Successor Nadesico Ncrgal Heavy Industrles/UEAF Nadosico Super Battloship 298 meters Robotcch Tirolian Colonies Azashar class Mothership 7260 motors EVE Caldari Stato Drake-Class Battlecruiser 514 meters Robotech Tirotean Colonies Hoavy Cruisor 386 meters The Irresponsible Captain Tylor United Earth Forces Soyokazo Class Battloship 288 meters Warhammcr 40000 Orks Brute-Class Raider 1100 meters Warhammer 40000 Tau Empire/Kroot Battlesphere 9000 motors Battlestar Galactica (2003; Twelve Colonies of Kobol Olympic Carrier 251 meters Robotech Torran Navics/Tirolcan Colonies Pioneer-Class Fortress 1600 meters Robotech Terran Navies Liborator-Class Fortress 1305 meters Robotech Vi Terran Navies/Tirolean Colonies Vallvarre Class Battleship 1391 meters Battlestar Galactica (2003) Twelve Colonies of Kobol BS Galactica 1445 meters Warhammer 40000 Orks Attack Ship 1500 meters Robotech Terran Navies/Colonial Fleet 35 Battle 7 Fortress 1512 meters Battlestar Galactica (2003) Twelve Colonies of Kobol BS Valkyrie 1200 meters (approximate) Battlestar Galactica (1978] Twelve Colonies of Kobol Columbia Class 1265 meters Robotech Terran Navies Macross-Class Fortress 1200 meters Warhammor 40000 Rak'Gol Butcher-Class Transport 2000 meters Robotech Terran Navies/Colonial Fleet 35 Battlo 7 Gunship 695 meters Warhammer 40000 Eldar (Craftworld) Wraith-Class Light Cruiser 3000 motors Stargato Goa'Uld System Lords Ha'Tak Class Cruiser 700 meters Battlestar Galactica (2003] Twelve Colonies of Kobol Mercury Class 1790 meters Battlestar Galactica (2003] Twelve Colonies of Kobol Zephyr 1200 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Eldar (Corsair) Hellebore-Class Frigate 1800 meters Stargate Goa'Uld System Lords Ra's Pyramid Ship 260 meters Stargato Goa'Uld System Lords Apophis' Mothership 3325 motors Robotech Terran Navies Tokugawa-Class Carrior 1121 meters Robotech Torran Navios Macross Quarter Class Fortress Robotech 472 meters Terran Navies Garfish-Class Scout 178 motors Robotech Terran Navies Argonaut-Class Hoavy Cruisor 470 meters Robotech Zentraedl Fleet Quiltra Qucloual-Class Transport 2991 meters Robotech Zentraedl Fleet ----* Tou Rodir-Class Frigato 498 meters Robotech "liCv'^bu Zentraedi Fleet Quoadol Magdomilla-Class Striko Cruisor 2986 meters Warhammer 40000 Orks Krooza-Class Cruiser 4500 meters Battlestar Galactica (2003] Twelve Colonies of Kobol Berserk Class 1300 meters (approximate) Stargato Goa'Uld System Lords Anubis' Mothership 5500 motors Robotcch Terran Navies Banshee-Class Missile Cruiser 286 motors Warhammer 40000 Eldar (Craftworld) Dragon-Class Cruiser 4500 meters Robotech Terran Navies Ikazuchi-Class Battlecruiser 706 meters Battlestar Galactica (2002 Twelve Colonies of Kobol Botanical Cruiser 750 meters (approximate) Battlestar Galactica (2003) Twelve Colonies of Kobol Monarch 792 meters Battlestar Galactica (2003) Twelve Colonies of Kobol Mineral Ship 780 meters (approximate) Warhammer 40000 Rak'Gol Mauler Class Missile Boat 1300 meters Battlestar Galactica (1978) Cylon Empire Basestar 1768 meters (approximate) Stargate J Lantean Council ^ Lantean Cruiser 2500 meters ^------------------------------------------------ Battlestar Galactica (2003) _ TTccru____ „ * Aurora-Class Battloship - Zentraedi Fleet Thuverl Salan-Class Hoavy Cruisor Stargate SG-1 Legend of Galactic Heroes^^B®^vl»_ ' 2018 meters Ori Ascendancy Stargate Atlantis S m JCV Free Planets Alliance Robotech ™erS.hip , tm. Wraith Hives Lughlean Class Flagship ^ _______ Zentraedi Fleet 1100 meters (approximate) Cruiser mr 1200 meters (approximate) „Ji Rineunadou Lojmouoan Class Monitor Cruiser 600 meters (approximate) ' 1215 meters Legend of Galactic Heroes Legend of Galactic Heroes t ^ Free Planets Alliance Free Planets alliance - ^ Airgot Lamh-Class Flagship Rk> Grando-Class Flagship 983 meters 1260 meters wtLegend of Galactic Heroes Legend of Galactic Heroes iS8«IS?B|t Free Planets Alliance Free Planets Alliance S -^-=-»-• yrj Allianco Transport Iscrlohn-Class Dostroyor 2480 meters 216 meters Legend of Galactic Heroes — -‘Til Free Planets Alliance Legend of Galactic Heroes = 1 Triglav-Class Battloship Froo Planots Alliance 924 meters Ulysses-Class Battleship 824 meters Legend of Galactic Heroes Legend of Galactic Heroes Ffee planets Alliance Galactic Empire Cheiron-Class Striko Dostroyor Berlin-Class Surpremo Flagship Legend of Galactic Heroes 226 meters 1314 meters Free Planets Alliance Muffuoso-Class Battlocruisor 627 meters _ Legend of Galactic Heroes » 4i Free Planets Alliance Ajax Class Flagship Legend of Galactic Heroes 1159 Galactic Empire Lcgond of Galactic Horoos BrUnnhild-Class Flagship Galactic Empire 1007 meters ' KSmten-Class Battleship 677 motors 0 Legend of Galactic Heroes Legend of Galactic Heroes f ^ Galactic Empire m _ Galactic Empire ! mm Kuckran-Class Flagship T Konigstigor-Class Fast Battleship 1210 meters 722 meters Legend of Galactic Heroes .ill1' Galactic Empire Legend of Galactic Heroes Galactic Empire Liibcck-Class Battloship 984 meters Warhammcr 40000 Eldar (Craftworld) Shadowhunter-Class Escort 800 motors Stargate Asgard O'Neill Class Battloship 1500 meters Warhammer 40000 Eldar (Corsair) Aurora-Class Light Cruisor 3400 meters Warhammcr 40000 Eldar (Corsair) Shadow-Class Cruiser 4700 motors Warhammcr 40000 Eldar (Corsair) Nightshade-Class Destroyer 1300 motors Robotech Zentraedl Fleet Nupotiot Vorgnitzs-Class Flagship 4042 meters Stargate Asgard Bilisknor-Class Battloship 1400 meters Aliens US Colonial Marines Corps Conostoga-Class Assault Ship 358 meters Warhammer 40000 Eldar (Corsair) Homlock-Class Dostroyor 1400 meters Warhammer 40000 Rak'Gol Mangier Class Light Cruiser 3100 meters long Aliens US Medical Corps Auriga-Class Modical Rosoarch Ship 3657 meters Stargato Asgard O'Neill Class Science Ship 1000 meters Firefly/Serenity Union of Allied Planets Tohoku-Class cruisor 1200 meters (1350 height) Aliens Wayland-Yutani Corporation Orbital Refinery 3200 meters Mothership 3200 meters (approximate) Aliens Wayland-Yutani Corporation Lockmart CM 88B Bison M-Class Tow Froightor 200 meters Red Dwarf Jupiter Mining Company J.M.C. Mining Ship (heavily modifiod) 6000 meters Stargate Atlantis Wraith Hives Hive Ship 2870 meters Starship Troopers Terran Federation Ares Class Destroyer 550 meters Starship Troopers Terran Federation Marauder-Class Attack Ship 2200 meters (approximate) Lexx - The Dark Zone League of 20000 planets Lexx Planot Destroyer 10000 meters Firefly/Serenity Union of Allied Planets Longbow-Class Patrol Cruiser 465 meters (approximate) Starship Troopers Terran Federation John A. Warden Battleship 1500 meters (approximate) Starship Troopers Terran Federation Athena Class Command Ship 2200 meters (approximate) Legend of Galactic Heroes Galactic Empire Nuromborg-Class Battleship 855 meters Firefly/Serenity Union of Allied Planets Croto-Class Carrier 1780 meters (approximate) Starship Troopers Bugs Transport Bug 1000 meters (approximate) Lcgond of Galactic Horoos Free Planets Alliance Lcda-Class Cruiser 347 motors Silent Running American Airlines Valley Forgo Class Agro-Ship 1500 meters (approximate) Farscape Peacekeeper Command Pantak Class (aka Vigilante) 550 meters (approximate) Event Horizon NASA Event Horizon 2200 meters (approximate) Moya (Leviathan) 1542 meters (approximate) Legend of Galactic Heroes Galactic Empire Wilholmina-Class Fleet Carrior 682 meters Farscape Talyn (Leviathan Gunship) 500 meters (approximate) Farscape Scarran Hierarchy Decimator 3000 meters (approximate) Independence Day City Destroyer Invasion Mothership 24000 meters (approximate) Legend of Galactic Heroes Galactic Empire Salamandor-Class Assault Battloship 992 meters Farscape Peacekeeper Command Command Carrier Class 4500 meters (approximate) I T T TTTT1T15 ' III I II I ' — Titan A.E. Titan 2310 mctors (hoight: 351 motors) Legend of Galactic Heroes galactic Empire Barbarossa-Class Flagship 986 meters 10 meters
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Starship Size Comparison Chart Compiled by Dirk Loechel. based on work by various others, updated 2014 Star Wars Galactic Empire Assertor-Class Star Dreadnought ^ , 15000 meters __ _ -JL ‘ . Real World International Co-Oporativo Project International Space Station ISS Warhammer 40000 I
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