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научная фантастика треш Sci-Fi art красивые картинки удалённое 
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Starcrash (1979) trailer,Entertainment,,This ain't Star Wars. Trailer for the 1979 film Starcrash.
Laserblast Trailer,Film,,Laserblast Trailer (1978). Laserblast is a low-budget 1978 science fiction film. It stars Kim Milford as "Billy Duncan" and Cheryl Smith as "Kathy Farley", and is notable for Eddie Deezen's debut (as "Froggy") and for a four-minute cameo by Roddy McDowall as "Doctor Mellon". The plot involves a constantly put-upon young man's discovery of a laser cannon, his ensuing rampage after continual exposure to the weapon's radiation mutates him into a wild, destructive lifeform, and his eventual death at the hands of the aliens who left the cannon behind on Earth in the first place. Plot: Loner teenager Billy Duncan (Kim Milford) stumbles across a lost alien ray gun while wandering the desert one day. Billy uses the destructive weapon to get revenge on his enemies, but quickly finds himself beginning to turn into a violent, alien creature who destroys anyone who offends him. Alternative german title: Laserkill - Todesstrahlen aus dem All.
Battle Beyond the Stars 1980 HD Trailer Richard Thomas Robert Vaughn John Saxon,Tech,,
Message from Space (1978) Trailer,Film,,Message from Space (Uchu kara no messeji, 1978) Trailer
Dark Star - Movie Trailer (1974),Film,,Movie Trailer to Dark Star (1974)
Silent Running - Trailer,Trailers,,As this science fiction classic opens, botanist Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern) has spent eight years aboard the space freighter 'Valley Forge' preserving the only botanical specimens left from Earth under huge geodesic domes. When he receives orders to destroy the project and return home, Lowell rebels and hijacks the freighter, while plunging the craft into the gaseous Rings of Saturn. From that moment on, he has only the trees, the gardens and two 'Drone' robots, Huey and Dewey, to keep him company on his greatest adventure of all.
ZARDOZ rare trailer,Entertainment,,This trailer was captured from the turner classic movies website.
научная фантастика,треш,Sci-Fi,art,арт,красивые картинки,удалённое
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PASS PASS 09.03.201516:27 ответить ссылка 0.0
ужас какой
ToptbIGa ToptbIGa 09.03.201516:31 ответить ссылка 0.0
И все-равно это выглядит лучше, чем отечественный фильм-мантикора
VinnyPuX VinnyPuX 09.03.201516:33 ответить ссылка 0.4
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Be rational
[ф Copyright 2007 GJCoulkins vvww.m19htywombot.com
If you get them, you probably don't have friends.

матан I pi Пи

Be rational [ф Copyright 2007 GJCoulkins vvww.m19htywombot.com MATH JOKES If you get them, you probably don't have friends. 1Y.DESPAIB.fOM
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число 3.14 Пи число пи красивые картинки

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