The new 16K RAM card that turns your computer into a working giant Available now — storc/factory Here's the industry's leading 16K RAM card. It has two outstanding features that make it Important to you: (1j It's fast: It operates up to -J MHz with no wait states. That's Important because it lets you run programs on your Cromemco Z-I and 7.-2 computers in about half the time required by Other systems. Even if your present computer is not A MHz fast, this new Model I6kZ RAM equips you for the time when you'll need and want higher computer speed. (2) It has Cromemco'* Bank-Select feature. Bank-Select lets you expand memory far beyond 6-<K bytes. Not |ust beyond 64K but far beyond — up to 512K bytes if you wish. Again, with Cromemco you get present outstanding performance plus obsolescence protection. Bank-Select lets you organize memory Into 8 banks of 64K each. The active bank is software-selected. A useful giant Whatever your S-tOO bus computer—Cromemco, Altaic 0800 or IMSAI 8080— you can have enormous memory' with the new Model 16KZ. You can run the large programs and flics that make computers truly valuable — that take them out of the toy с1з« and make them useful, producing units. With Bank-Select you can even operate an $-100 bus computer as a time-share computer with up to 8 stations. A given memory bank can bo accessed only by one station, so there Is full confidentiality. Advanced Cromemco engineering Designing a 16K RAM card to operate at A MHz is a significant engineering accomplishment. That’s why Cromemco with our strong engineering staff is the only manufacturer to offer such a card. And notice that this advanced card Is available and ready for delivery — at your store or from the factory. 16K RAM memory kit (Model 16ICZ-fO ....... $49S. I6K RAM memory assembled, tested, and burned in for 160 hours (Model 16KZ-W) .$795. «J»; Wr« «сл-г1»-» rjnl tumbii m) raptrUiMl Jilt Cll-V-n.l wwrt lrf.1 SX M i>»X i»:« Ш It Cromemco _ Incorporated Special!»!» In compulers and peripheral» «СО CHARLESTON RO., UOUHTAJN VIEW. CA MOO • («I») N4-7(00 C<rcl« 201 on inquiry c#»d. adfllp.com
16 KB,оперативка,ПК,495$
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