Камуфляжная карта мира
ALASKA ICELAND FAROE ISLANDS PORTU( i (PORTUGAL) BURKIN. FASCT :nezuela 5UYANA FRENCH GUIANA .©MBIA VECTORWORLDMAP.COM Version 2.2 COPYRIGHT 2009. Graphics Factory CC This map may be freely used for any purpose. This map may be modified and redistributed. If redistributed as is, we require that this copyright notice is redistributed with the map. DISCLAIMER: While we strive for accuracy, Graphics Factory CC employs artists, not cartographers. A degree of artistic license and/or inaccuracy should be assumed. This map is recommended for jse in graphic design or uses where a high level of geographical ^ accuracy is not required. . ARGENTINA FALKLAND ISLANDS (UK) SOUTH GEORGIA (UK) SVALBARD (NORWAY) KRAINE AZAKH TURKEY CYPRUS I В YA INDIA NIGER SUDAN AFRIC REPLli MAYOTTE (FI MBIA WMlBIA- REUNION iOUTH AFRICA NEW KERGUELEN ISLAND (FRANCE) HEARD ISLAND (AUSTRALIA)
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