Man survives grizzly bear attack, using just a small caliber Bcretta pistol... What is the smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself? Th» Bcrttu I remember one time while hiking with my girlfriend in northern Alberta and out of nowhere came this huge brown bear charging us and was she mad We must have been near one of her cubs Anyway if I had not rad my Wtie Jetfire I would not be here today Just one shot to my girlfriend s knee cap was all it took the bear got her and I was able to escape by just walking at a brisk pace It’s one of the best pistols in my collection..
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это как анекдот про экономистов:
охотятся в лесу два экономиста, вдруг попадается им волк, пушки от дождя заклинило, убежать вряд ли успеют. вдруг один экономист одевает кроссовки. другой его спрашивает "толку то? все равно от волка не убежишь", а тот отвечает "зато буду бегать быстрей чем ты"