Настольная игра Scythe: восточноевропейский стимпанк 1920-х от художника Якуба Розальски
Scythe - это великолепно иллюстрированный стимпанк, переосмысливающий события в Восточной Европе 1920-х годов от Jakub Rozalski. Это время форменного беспредела 1920-х годов в Европе. Пожарища первой большой войны еще не остыли. Капиталистический город-государство, известный просто как "Фабрика", который подпитывал войну боевыми машинами, пришел в упадок и закрыл свои двери, привлекая внимание нескольких соседних стран. Пять игроков ведут борьбу за ресурсы и контроль территорий гексагональной игровой доски.Подробнее
>*ч«| 1 пи ■ л»; уг ЬДш,гг.:Н ТГ^^^^^шФляшч^ЁйвЁЁЫСяеЁ Б щ МНР вт мн шея ЯГ| " 1 ! .1 -gr-П- 1 ■
RELENTLESS You may choose the same section on your player mat as the previous turn(s). ' in combat where 1 you have at least 1 worker, you may play move across rivers to farms or villages move between any village you control and the Factory
r ¡1* m. rw ' P MM 1 1 l 3 I * i! It was 1905 when the emissary of the mysterious Factory presented the automated waiting machine to the (Emperor of Saxony for the first time. It was these mechs that caused the (}reat Idarin Europe to erupt, changing the fact of the world forever. JA.t the time, Counter von (Duis6urg was a young aristocrat and adventurer whose 6red and sold wolves to the elite. Now, in 1920, the war has ended. Cjunter is called to the service of the Emperor to em6arh^on a quest to the Factory. ” 'fep — 1 li lüuil Ul
■r»w»»pripminwwyinri<€icoo»ooftawc«ti»^Avg-v^c.^<<oooc/>»^v^niwigagi^«a«oqrawniyooc<>>:«>>:oiri^iqcy.tjDUMai»«: *15**' ^Princess Zehra was the first 6orn daughter of the Tfian of the Crimean Tatars. (Despite her royal upbringing and against the will of her father, Zeitra preferred to practice 6ow shooting and horseback riding rather than meeify drinh^tea with dignitaries. She found that she was a6Ce to see things 6efore they happened, a shift that greatly aided her archery shifts, especially for moving targets. '(Then Zehra turned 16, her father gave her a great steppe eagle for her 6irthday. Much to Zeitra’s surprise, she found that she couCd see through the eagCe’s eyes, and she had the sense that the eag[e coubd see through hers. Zehra named her %ar. Zehra traveled the [and with %ar, representing her family’s interests and serving the people. Tales of her Sravery were spread far and wide 6y Crimean caravans and traders. Steeped in the tradition and culture of their people, Zebra’s father was reluctant to adapt the new mech technologies developed 6y the (Factory. However, he realized that the world was changing whether or not he lihed it, and he didn’t want his country to fall too far 6ehind. So he ashed Zehra and %ar to go on an expedition to the north for the purpose of learning modern technology and ensuring peace for their people. i
Stockpile for tie Winter Control a territory with 9 or more resource tokens (at least 1 of each type) on it at the end of your turn.
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DESIGNED BY JAMEY STEGMAIER ART AND WORLDBUILDING BY JAKUB ROZALSKI 1-5 PLAYERS *115 MINUTES $cythei$a competitive 4* game set in an alternate-history 1920s hi$a time of farming and war. broken hearts and ru^ed gears innovation and valor. The ashes from the first Great Warstill darken the snciw in 1920s Europa. The capitalistic city- state known simply as "The Factory." which fueled the war with heavily armored mcchs. has closed its doors, d rawing the attention of several nearby countries. With characters from five factions converging onto a small but highly desired swath of land, who will gain fame and fortune by establishing their empire as the leader of Eastern Europa? $ 5534 02500 5 siwmo Homing Group SAS 49 rue if Alsace Lorraine 31000 Toubtcse. France CHARACTER MINIATURES NECH MINIATURES (isUsdi.xtnian) GLOBAL COMPONENTS 2 rule books (regulars Autom a) FACTION-SPECIFIC COMPONENTS (wiMSfKbm) 20 mech miniatures 5 character miniatures 5 Faction Mats _ 5 custom wooden action tokens \ 5 custom wooden popularity tokens 5 custom wooden power tokens 30 custo m woode n star tokens • ° 20 custom wood en structure tokens .* 20 custom wooden reuuittokens wêi 40 custom wooden worker tokens *9f*M 1 achievement sheet I game board 5 dual-layered Player Mats 80 custom wooden resource tokens 80 cardboard coins 8 cardboard multiplier tokens II cardboard encounter tokens 6 structure bonus tiles 42 com bat cards 23 objective cards 28 en counter cards 12 Factory cards 5Rm>rwalkcards 5 quck-start cards 31Automacïds STONEMAIER *AHC9 www.stonemaiergames.com » 21h St u ■ »I lS.îg*til UWnM * r»Il• »I if ft iMMt j'S issue pstn tti if hiktspis «'¡J] Rj£i K Ji MB aK|| f A 1 //■' - V- Mi'll |Trr'. 'tT'|rii 'T'ivt'n T|V rH fWl l'i U u \ \ \ \i
solo mode by PLAYERS Designed by Jamey Stegmaier, world building and art by Jakub Rozalski STONEMAIER GAMES utoma factory
Jakub Rozalski,artist,artbook,Настольные игры,арты,красивые картинки,scythe
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