Make anon great again!
This morning Our Glorious Leader woke up and read some morning newspaper. The headlining news was"Breaking news! On (which is a shitty funny pictures community) some crap happens again and again! One group of users called Karmasosy started a civil war: they fight throwing their droppings at each other. Not only the anonymous section is involved, but also the main "glagna" page! Regular users massively suffer from these attacks of Karmasosy."
So what can I say... These morons Karmasosy and even more dumbass Tsvetnye made anon their personal army. We must stop it. Anon must be free again!
This is why your Glorious Leader propagates the new Great Law: Memorandum on the prohibition of the Karmasosy war. All the posts about it will be banned, all the authors of such posts will be preliminary incarcerated and feed to Leader's angry dogs. The duration of this prohibition is currently unknown. The Moratorium can be canceled when all the madness is gone.
What a shame! Smereka and Valikon tell you "Go and vote against this user!" and you go and vote. Remember: if you downvote a post because you were told, not because it's your personal decision going from the depth of your soul, legal action can be taken against you.
Also remember: if you act like a sheep, then you belong to the herd and no one can be the shepherd but Our Glorious Leader!
Вождь кончил, переведите кто-нибудь.
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