Devices World's first night Vision devices • Germany - (1945) Abrams turret • roght vision device / anon

World's first night Vision devices • Germany - (1945)
Abrams turret • roght vision device
American's copy of it (1949) M48 Patton
notice tha turbtoa angina»'
Befl XP-83 - After WW2 the US. Army captured
Me262 • World s first operational Turbojet fighter
the german Me262 • (1946)
Devices World's first night Vision devices • Germany - (1945) Abrams turret • roght vision device American's copy of it (1949) M48 Patton notice tha turbtoa angina»' Befl XP-83 - After WW2 the US. Army captured Me262 • World s first operational Turbojet fighter the german Me262 • (1946) aircraft • Germany (1942*45) HemKel He 178 • 1939* The World's first aircraft to fty under turbojet power, and the first practical jet plane, the Yakovlev Yak* 15 • (1947) - After the War also the Soviets captured some Me262s... pioneering example of this type of aircraft (Gar—*) Jet powered Bombers B-57 Canberra (1950) • USA A/ado Ar 234 ■ (1944) was the WorKTs first operational jet powered bomber. HELICOPTER: (1941) Russia - Tupolev Tu-14 (1949) cmpletely the same design as the Arado... The Flettner R 282 Kolibri (•Hummingbird') was the world's first helicopter that passed certification and went into mass production. (1946) A s»ngle FI 282 was captured at Rangsdort by Soviet forces, and two which had been assigned to Transportstaffet 40 (TS/40) - the Luftwaffe's only operational helicopter squadron at Mühldorf. Bavaria, were captured by US forces. American's copy.. Horten Ho IX - Germany -(March 1944) was the only aircraft to come dose to meeting his infamous *1000. 1000. 1000-performance requirements. World's fust turbojet powered flying wing Northrop B-35 • USA- (1946) WOT*«r von Braun • Gonnan rocUt phyvc.H and of tha load mg figura« m Vta ^ - - * - — - - . — M — — * - * . - - * — - * - — wvaopmoni or rocoar tocnnoKigy In Garmany and lha Unnad Stataa Ita jaadad tha N— and tha Apoto —lion and ha conalruod tha Saturn V »ockat •hhout hm tha t— navar ba atia to aiart tha moon iandmg —mon. V2 (Garmany 1943) Tha World*« first balliatic mi*» i la avar* And it wii tha first man*m«da objact to achia va tub-orbital » pacaftight. tha proganNor of all modtrn rockatV!' V1 Rocket Carmany 1945) WM tha World« hr»t cru »a m.««.ia Spaca «huttla USA (1961) Saturn V (1961) USA (19*3) Tomahawk missile Atomic Bomb The Germans enriched uranium without a centrifuge for expediency, with a photochemical process. Fat Man and Little Boy were produced from enriched Uranium given to the USA via U-boat234.
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anon anon 28.12.201816:32 ответить ссылка 0.1
могу в рот тебе нассать
anon anon 28.12.201816:55 ответить ссылка -0.4
а сказать то нехуй, долбоебушка)
anon anon 28.12.201817:07 ответить ссылка 0.4
нассал тебе в рот, твои оправдания:
anon anon 28.12.201817:12 ответить ссылка -0.4
это пичально
anon anon 28.12.201819:07 ответить ссылка 0.0
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