WHY THE EPIC STORE IS A BOTNET a.k.a. how you're being datamined and your info is being sold to Xi / Epic Games Store :: кликни чтобы увеличить :: Игры

Epic Games Store Игры кликни чтобы увеличить удалённое 
a.k.a. how you're being datamined and your info is being sold to Xi Jinping if you use this shitty platform
WHY THE EPIC STORE IS A BOTNET a.k.a. how you're being datamined and your info is being sold to Xi Jinping if you use this shitty platform SEE THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE? IT'S CALLED PROCESS MONITOR IT MONITORS PROCESSES RIGHT NOW IT'S WATCHING THE EPIC GAMES LAUNCHER TALK TO ITSELF LIKE THAT WEIRD KID YOU KNEW IN SCHOOL ¿2 Process Monitor - Sysinternals: www.sysinternals.com File Edit Event Filter Tools Options Help 0 s I m &Tv a © la] #4 * ifMäTSTäliB Time ... Process Name 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2:15:0... | LEpicGamesLau 2-150 I SSFninGamftsI an PID Operation 4084 ¿TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 .^TCP Receive 4084 TCP Receive Path I-SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SecTest:49263 -SenTfist 49263 1-Sec Test:8888 -SecTest:8888 -SecTest:8888 -SecTest:8888 -SecTest:8888 -SecTest:8888 -SecTest:8888 -SecTest:8888 -SecTest:8888 -9ftnTpst-8888 SO WHAT DOES IT SAY THAT THE EPIC GAMES CLIENT IS DOING? I a [I 1|■-£■3-1 Result Detail > SUCCESS Length: 1460. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 SUCCESS Length: 1460. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 SUCCESS Length: 1460. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 SUCCESS Length: 1460. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 SUCCESS Length: 3472. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 SUCCESS Length: 4152. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 —. SUCCESS Length: 1460. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 I—I SUCCESS Length: 1460. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 SUCCESS Length: 3472. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 SI ICCF.SS I ftnnth- 3828 sftnniim- 0 rnnnid- 0 READING THROUGH YOUR COMPUTER'S CERTIFICATE STORE, FOR STARTERS See all this shit here? It means fuck you, I’m going to look at the security certificates that let your computer connect to things securely. It doesn’t NEED to do this. It does it anyway. I wonder why? OH LOOK, IT'S DOING IT AGAIN, NOW IT'S POKING THROUGH THE ROOT CERTS FROM THE REGISTRY 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. ¡Epic _ amesLau. lEpicGamesLau. __amesLau. | Epic SamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. 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SUCCESS C:XUsers\adminXAppData\Roaming\MicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXMyXCertificates NO MORE FILES C:XUsers XadminXApp DataXRoamingXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXMyXCertificates SUCCESS C:XUsereXadminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CRLs SUCCESS C:XUsere''adminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CRLsX' SUCCESS C:XUsere''adminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CRLs SUCCESS C:XUsersXadminXAppDataXRoamingXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXMyXCRLs NO MORE FILES C:XUsereXadminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CRLs SUCCESS C:XUsere''adminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CTLs SUCCESS C:XUsere''adminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CTLsX' SUCCESS C:XUsere\adminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CTLs SUCCESS C:XUsere''adminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CTLs NO MORE FILES C:XUsere\adminXAppData\RoamingXMicrosoft\SystemCertificates\My\CTLs SUCCESS H KC UXSoftwareXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXCA S UCCESS Uirr I l\ C«ft,».=ra\ Q,,atam('arflfii.a*aa\ril Cl IPPCCC Index: 1. Name: FuncName. Type: REG_SZ. Length: 36. Data: LdapProvOpenStore Index: 2. Length: 288 Index: 1. Name: EncodingType 1 Index: 2. Length: 288 Desired Access: ReadAVrite. Delete. Disposition: REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY Desired Access: Read Data/Ust Directory. Synchronize. Disposition: Open. Option... _ Filter: *. 1:. 0:... 1: 2C970808AC6S1E2S42258FDCC649DS95837185C7. 2: 722555EE80B42... Desired Access: Generic Read. Disposition: Open. Options: Synchronous IO Non-... Allocation Size: 4.096. EndOfFile: 1.540. NumberOf Links: 1. Delete Pending: False.... Offset: 0. Length: 1.540. Priority: Normal Desired Access: Generic Read. Disposition: Open. Options: Synchronous IO Non-... Allocation Size: 4.096. EndOfFile: 1.534. NumberOf Links: 1. Delete Pending: False.... Offset: 0. Length: 1.534. Priority: Normal Desired Access: Generic Read. Disposition: Open. Options: Synchronous IO Non-... Allocation Size: 4.096. EndOfFile: 1.521. NumberOf Links: 1. Delete Pending: False.... Offset: 0. Length: 1.521. Priority: Normal Desired Access: Generic Read. Disposition: Open. Options: Synchronous IO Non-... Allocation Size: 4.096. EndOfFile: 1.534. NumberOf Links: 1. Delete Pending: False.... Offset: 0. Length: 1.534. Priority: Normal Desired Access: Read Data/Ust Directory. Synchronize. Disposition: Open. Option... Filter: *. 1:. 0:.. Desired Access: Read Data/Ust Directory. Synchronize. Disposition: Open. Option... Filter: *. 1:. 0:.. Desired Access: ReadAVrite. Delete. Disposition: REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY nalo+a per: DDCMCn CYIQTIMC; tfCY 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. 2:13:5. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. 2:13:5... LEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegOpenKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegOpenKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegOpenKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegEnumKey 4084 ¿^RegQueryKey H KLM HKLMXSoftwareXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXRoot HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOT HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOT HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOT HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOTNCertificates HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOTNCertificates HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOTNCertificates HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOTNCertificates HKLM\SOFT<VARE\Microsoft\SystemCertrficatesXROOT\Certrficates SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS . 4084 r. fRegOpenKey HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\Certificates\18F7C1FCC3090203FD5BAA2F861A754976... SUCCESS 4084 ¿ßRegQuery Value 4084 ¿fcRegQuery Value 4084 ¿fcRegQuery Value 4084 ¿fcRegCloseKey 4084 ¿^RegEnumKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegOpenKey 4084 ¿fcRegQuery Value 4084 ¿fcRegQuery'Value 4084 ¿fcRegQuery Value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificatesXROOT\Ceitificates\18FX1FCC3090203FD5BAA2F861A754976. 1203FD5BAA2F861A754976. )203FD5BAA2F861A754976. 1203FD5BAA2F861A754976. HKLM\SOFT<VARE\Microsoft\SystemCertrficatesXROOT\Certrficates\18F7C1FCC3( HKLMXSOFT<VARE\Microsoft\SystemCertrficatesXROOT\CertrficatesX18F7C1FCC3( HKLMXSOFT<VARE\Microsoft\SystemCertrficatesXROOT\CertrficatesX18F7C1FCC3( HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOTNCertificates HKLMXSOFTWAREXMicrosoftXSystemCertificatesXROOTNCertificates H KLMXSO FTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\CertificatesX245C97D F7514E7CF2DF8BE72AE957B9E0.. H KLMXSO FTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\CertificatesX245C97D F7514E7CF2DF8BE72AE957B9E0.. H KLMXSO FTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\CertificatesX245C97D F7514E7CF2DF8BE72AE957B9E0.. HKLMXSOFP<VAREXMicrosoft\SystemCertificatesXROOT\CertificatesX245C97DF7514E7CF2DF8BE72AES57B9EO.. BUFFER OVERFL. BUFFER OVERFL. SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS BUFFER OVERFL. BUFFER OVERFL. SUCCESS Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO Desired Access: Read Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO Desired Access: Read Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO Desired Access: Read Query: Cached. Sub Keys: 8. Values: 0 Query: Cached. Sub Keys: 8. Values: 0 Index: 0. Name: 18F7C1FCC3090203FD5BAA2F861A754976C8DD25 Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO Desired Access: Read Length: 144 Length: 144 Type: REG_BINARY. Length: 924. Data: 19 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 E5.. Index: 1. Name: 245C97DF7514E7CF2DF8BE72AE957B9E04741E85 Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO Desired Access: Read Length: 144 Length: 144 Type: REG_BINARY. Length: 907. Data: 19 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 7F.. □ WHAT, YOU THINK THAT'S ALL? FUCK NO, CHANG HAS MORE IN STORE FOR YOU. HE WANTS TO GOBBLE YOUR DATA LIKE A STRAY DOG ON SATURDAY NIGHT. CHECK THIS SHIT OUT. 2:16:2... |LEpicGamesLau... 4084 A iRegQoseKey HKCR\CLSID\{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9}\lnstance\PropertySetStorage\{000214A0-0000-0000...SUCCESS lEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau.. lEpicGamesLau.. 4084 s£RegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegOpenKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegOpenKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegQueryKey 4084 ¿fcRegOpenKey HKCR\CLSIDX{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9}Xlnstance\Property Set Storage HKCRXCLSIDX{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9}\lnstance\Property Set Storage H KC UXSoftwareXaassesXCLS I D\{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1 F9}\lnstance\PropertySet&orage\{00... HKCRXCLSIDX{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9}\lnstance\Property Set Storage HKCRXCLSIDX{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9}\lnstance\PropertySetStorageX{000214A0-0000-0000.. HKCRXCLSIDX{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9}\lnstance\Propert>'SetStorageX{000214A0-0000-0000.. HKCRXCLSIDX{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9}\lnstance\Propert>'SetStorageX{000214A0-0000-0000.. H KC UXSoftwareXQassesXCLS I D\{06EEE834-461C-42C2-8DCF-1502B527B1 F9}\lnstance\PropertySet&orage\{00... SUCCESS Query: Name SUCCESS Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read SUCCESS Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO .SUCCESS Desired Access: Read .SUCCESS Query: Name .SUCCESS Query: HandleTags. HandleTags: CbcO NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read So the launcher is poking through the registry, but all Windows programs do, right? That’s no big deal, is it? WRONG, DIPSHIT! Guess what CLSID 06eee834-461c-42c2-8dcf-1502b527b1f9 Is? 06eeeS34-461 c-42c2-8dcf-1502b527b1 f9 Q, All Maps Videos Shopping Images More Settings Tools IT'S FUCKING INTERNET EXPLORER moar liek "niggernet exploder" WHY IS YOUR GAME CLIENT LOOKING AT YOUR BROWSER'S SETTINGS? But we haven't even gotten started yet. About 297 results (0.28 seconds) Problems with new Internet Explorer 8.0 - Forums - CNET https://www.cnet.com/forums/.../problems-with-new-internet-explorer-8-0-336766/ ▼ Apr 12, 2009 - 4 posts - 3 authors HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{06EEE834-461 C-42c2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9} is where i found the 2 instances of the same problem you are... res://ieframe.dll error in IE 8 - Microsoft Community https://answers.microsoft.com/.../7f657540-474f-4587-b661-c3ffbb1aed06?... ▼ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{06EEE834-461C-42c2-8DCF-1502B527B1F9} is where i found the 2 instances of the same problem you are having, it was a ... More results from answers.microsoft.com IT'S SCRAPING THE NAMES AND PATHS OF OTHER PROCESSES RUNNING ON YOUR COMPUTER 2:14:4... | 2:14:4... I LEpicGamesLau... LEpicGamesLau... 4084 ; 4084 • &UDP Receive -> ^^^^H:57603 EkQueryNamelnfo...C:'tfiddler\Fiddler.exe SUCCESS SUCCESS Length: 50. seqnum: 0. connid: 0 Name: Viddler\Fiddler.exe 2:14:4... LEpicGamesLau... 4084 | ¿jQueiy Name Info... C:\Users\admin\Downloads\ProcessMonitor\Procmon exe SUCCESS Name: \Users\admin\Downloads\ProcessMonitor\Procmon.exe | 2:14:4... LEpicGamesLau... 4084 ^QueryNamelnfo...C:Viddler\Fiddler.exe SUCCESS Name: Viddler\Rddler.exe 2:14:4... LEpicGamesLau... 4084 ^QueryNamelnfo...C:XUsersXadmin\Downloads\ProcessMonitorXProcmon.exe SUCCESS Name: XUsers\admin\Dovvnloads\ProcessMonitorXProcmon.exe 2:14:4... LEpicGamesLau... 4084 ¿RegEnumKey H KLMXSO FP.VAR EXMicrosoftXCTFXTI P K SUCCESS Index: 0. Name: {0000897b-83df-4b96-be07-0fb58b01c4a4} Look at this shit, these are the tools I'm using to analyze it. This uppity software doesn't know its place. AND ITS FUCKING WITH DLL FILES IN THEIR DIRECTORIES RIGHT FUCKING THERE = 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4... 2:13:4. 2:13:4. 2:13:4. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. lEpicGamesLau. 4084 Thread Create 4084 ¿<7 Thread Create 4084 ¿fcRegCreateKey 4084 ¿57 Thread Create 4084 ¿57 Thread Create 4084 ¿57 Thread Create 4084 ¿57 Thread Exit 4084 £7 Thread Create Create File 4084 ¿57 Thread Create 4084 ¿57 Thread Create 4084 ¿57 Thread Create H KC UXSO FP//AR EXMicrosoftXWindows NTXCurrentVersionXNetworkXLocation Awareness C:\fiddler\shcore.dll SUCCESS Thread ID: 1008 SUCCESS Thread ID: 2348 SUCCESS Desired Access: Read. Disposition: REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY SUCCESS Thread ID: 1056 SUCCESS Thread ID: 2124 SUCCESS Thread ID: 2800 SUCCESS Thread ID: 1056. User Time: 0.0000000. Kernel Time: 0.0000000 SUCCESS Thread ID: 2448 NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read Mributes. Disposition: Open. Options: Open Reparse Point.... SUCCESS Thread ID: 1576 SUCCESS Thread ID: 1516 SUCCESS Thread ID: 1240 I Oh yeah, see that shit? Tim Sweeny wants to know where you are. You didn't buy a computer with a GPS embedded in it, did you anon? BUT IT'S NOT OVER YET This shit right here is called Fiddler. It fiddles with your web traffic. It logs the shit out of everything, and will decrypt SSL if you want it to. That lets it spy on even secure traffic. I found my password in these logs when I first logged in. Fiddler is good. Fiddler is ruthless. FIDDLER SEEMS TO HAVE FOUND A SHITLOAD OF TRACKING INFO TWO - FUCKING COUNT THEM -TWO DIFFERENT DOMAINS JUST FOR TRACKING WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND BOTH ARE DROPPING TRACKING SCRIPTS Want to see the script? Get your ass over to pastebin.com/FuqfWmyf Shit’s fucking unreadable, you'll wish it was PERL by the time you hit the bottom of the page ^ Progress Telerik Fiddler Web Debugger File Edit Rules loots View Help Q Replay X» k Go ^ Stream If Decode Keep: All sessions ▼ ^ Any Process Find ^ Save (£) ^ Browse ▼ Clear Cache /T Text Wizard Tearoff MSDN Search... >(&) Online X # Result Protocol Host URL Body Caching ¿Qs)33 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/polyfill. d... 29,065 s^)84 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/main. die... 601,606 Ü 87 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/5f60 la4... 26,940 Ü 88 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/45 5575... 27,668 089 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/55b3ce 1... 84,928 Ü 91 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/b0e462f... 24,124 Ü 120 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/0dfc642... 27,176 51)127 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/main. die... 601,606 css{ 128 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/main.die... 33,144 css{ 129 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/webApp... 67,846 css{ 130 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/launcher... 35,271 1)131 200 HTTPS static-assets -prod. epicgames. com /epic-store/static/webpack/polyfill. d... 29,065 i 37 204 HTTPS tracking.epicgames.com /track, png 0 no-cac.. i 44 204 HTTPS ^^^■****^ tracking.epicgames.com /track, png 0 no-cac.. 1)86 200 HTTPS tracking. epicgames. com /tracking, js 7,186 public,. i 93 204 HTTPS tracking. epicgames. com /track, png PreferringUrl =noneSnow... 0 no-cac.. <^153 304 HTTPS tracking. epicgames. com /tracking, js 0 public,. i 173 204 HTTPS tracking. epicgames. com /track, png PreferringUrl =noneSnow... 0 no-cac.. i 186 204 HTTPS tracking.epicgames.com /track, png PreferringUrl =noneSnow... 0 no-cac.. 1206 200 HTTPS tracking.unrealengine.com /tracking, js 7,186 public,. i 208 204 HTTPS tracking, unrealengine. com /track.png?component=WebPurcha... 0 no-cac.. 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Fiddler Orchestra Beta Cookies Raw JSON XML [Raw] [HeaderDefinitions] GET /track.png?referringUrl=none&now=1552504520640&eventType=pageView HTTP/1.1 Client Accept: image/webp,image/apng,image/*,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: en-US User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) EpicGamesLauncher/9.10.1-537C Cookies B Cookie _epicSID =c290d08 5259 5408d9 lc29 Ie8f86f6390 Miscellaneous Referer: https: //launcher --website -prodO 7. ol. epicgames. com/purchase PshowNavigation =trueSnamespace =corydalis&offers =cd4= ^ 4 1 m I \ Transformer Headers JSON XML TextView SyntaxView ImageView HexView WebView Auth Caching Cookies Raw HTTP/1.1 204 NO content Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate Date: wed, 13 Mar 2019 19:15:20 GMT ETag: w/"a-bAsFyilMr4RalhiU5PyoyFRunpi" Expires: O Pragma: no-cache Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=l5552000 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-DNS-Prefetch-control: off X-Download-Options: noopen x-epic-correlation-id: 57d2f360-45c4-iie9-ab6S-l96le2647e7b X-Frame-Options: SA/.1EORIGIN X-XSS-Protection: l; mode=block Connection: keep-alive Find... 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Комментарии 4 11.04.201910:38 ссылка -1.3
лол, нашел чем удивить, да у китайцев даже винда трекерами и шпионами натыкана до такой степени что если ты что не то перед компом спизданешь не то про правительство он на ножках побежит докладывать на тебя.
Senpai_ru Senpai_ru 11.04.201910:45 ответить ссылка -2.9
Ну мы не в Китае. Зачем нам спай на комп?
Dodger Dodger 11.04.201910:48 ответить ссылка 0.5
Ну это пока что.
EBIN EBIN 11.04.201911:30 ответить ссылка 0.9
Где там была ссылка на реддит, где долбоёбу, создавшему эту картинку с "раскрывом покровов" рассказывали, где он не прав?
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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