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Так вот, суть в том что кампанию которую проводили в Эстонии фейковая полит. партия "Единая Эстония" в 2011 году по ходу спиздили ЗЕ. Немного доработали и вкинули баблища - вот и вышло хакнуть демократию. Там на инглише но субтитры решают (автоматическая генерация).Подробнее
Hacking democracy with theater | Eero Epner | TEDxKyiv,Nonprofits & Activism,TEDxTalks,English,Ukraine,Life,Democracy,Government,Media,Society,Truth,It's a story about project "Unified Estonia" by Estonian theater #99, held during the election campaign to the Estonian Parliament in 2010. In fact troupe created a fake political party, which provocative methods of agitation made it's rating reached by polls up to 25%. This talk is about power, democracy, populism, responsibility and citizenship. Eero — dramaturge, a member of the Estonian state theater troupe NO99 , curator of "Unified Estonia". Creative activities of this theater is not limited with usual theater performances. In particular, this theater is known for its project "Unified Estonia", held during the election campaign to the Estonian Parliament in 2010. In fact troupe created a fake political party, which provocative methods of agitation made it's rating reached by polls up to 25%. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
Острый Перец,разное,агиткомпания,Сало с №востями,TEDxKyiv,разная политота
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