¡kagigab.lofter.com just put okv the stelrt a rwt let me laugh at you,just оме. if we did this we will be tellled by kial'tlst lm medlatelw--- so wear It. уО!Л'Е> RATHER. LВТ ME IRIAN W ! TH-O ЦТ CLOTH- ON NO!!!!
10 minutes later y ou a re just bidding me. \\ ^ - ». L-OOOOOfëü! fëeep (À\A eye OVr rvteüü the ùV\(ày\aai\aq boy is suitable for every types of clothes!! ! yeah. Ai/Ko^g the men In Rhodes you can be the most suitable Okie, *\ // / i remember in, the custom of Angelite's hometown, the soctes should lu, the knee or somewhere??.... say somthlng, Thorns!! / e mm m m mmm ? In my opinion It Is better for you to run In the board / ■ / \ \ a \ \ \V Excuse me, c>o you fenow wherei^octor going? bpYh7 the, door. Dtî1 @ 7111
Treatment room.. He was just beat by teaItist because be was trolling her. ikagigab.lofter.com weibo: pixiv: IKAG reference: Bowie-overwatch A hfoLLLLYYYYYY <^OT>E>T>D>E>E>!!!!!!!!! WI-tAT5H-OW.LT> I LOOOOOOOOOO !! My IMPUTATION!!!!!! We &ONT HAVE ANY AFFAIRS WHY we Neei> to lock the fucking door.??!!
Asking your own father a trick question: Am I ugly? illustration: ikagigab.lofter.com Translation: Eliad
illustration: ikagigab.lofter.com translation: Eliad 1 M V / 1 1 " W 1 1 ' « 4: . . Ar X. H ™ «j w jLj jL:. '-■ti ' \| ! (normal rebellious teenage Vulpo) Please remember This is standard reaction.
Executioner reali cing a unprecedented crisis need to give her a perfect, satisfying nswer and girls they must care a^out their appearance a lot and to be st Vermeil is not ugly so I’ m iving her a negative answer but ometimes I have the need to point out her problems-•• IS a-Sina=4 \ ' /1 . i _ ft,$£..*. i 3 ^ A à * ‘ 3 ' illustration: ikagigab.lofter.com translation:Eliad What are you wearing? jcutioner what happened face? It’ s almost dis- Vermeil wasn t really mentally stable just then, sent her to the infir mary.
ikag,Thorns (Arknights),棘刺 (明日方舟), ソーンズ (アークナイツ), 쏜즈 (명일방주), Торнс, Шипы,Elysium (Arknights),极境 (明日方舟), エリジウム (アークナイツ), 엘리시움 (명일방주), Элизиум,Hellagur (Arknights),赫拉格 (明日方舟), ヘラグ (アークナイツ), 헬라그 (명일방주), Хеллагур,Arknights,明日方舟, アークナイツ, 명일방주, аркнайтс,Игры,Ifrit (Arknights),イフリータ(アークナイツ), 伊芙利特 (明日方舟), 이프리트 (명일방주), Ифрит,Saria (Arknights),サリア(アークナイツ), 塞雷娅 (明日方舟), 사리아 (명일방주), Сария,Silence (Arknights),サイレンス(アークナイツ), 赫默 (明日方舟), 사일런스 (명일방주), Сайленс, Тишина,Cliffheart (Arknights),崖心 (明日方舟), クリフハート (アークナイツ), 클리프하트 (명일방주), Клиффхарт,SilverAsh (Arknights),シルバーアッシュ(アークナイツ), 银灰 (明日方舟), 실버애쉬 (명일방주), Сильвер Эш,Executor (Arknights),送葬人 (明日方舟), イグゼキュター (アークナイツ), 이그제큐터 (명일방주), Экзекьютор,Vermeil (Arknights),红云 (明日方舟), ヴァーミル (アークナイツ), 버메일 (명일방주), Вермейл,Arknights комиксы,под катом,длиннопост,ikag,Thorns (Arknights),arknights,games,Elysium (Arknights),Hellagur (arknights),Ifrit (Arknights),saria (arknights),silence (arknights),cliffheart (arknights),SilverAsh (Arknights),executor (arknights),vermeil (arknights),Arknights comics,
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