О борьбе с дуэлями в послевоенной Италии / ватикан :: Италия :: дуэль :: английский язык :: страны :: газета

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О борьбе с дуэлями в послевоенной Италии

TL DR: быстрый способ перестать быть католиком - поучаствовать в дуэли.

' Rome Duel Over Lady’s Honor Disturbs Vatican’s Newspaper
By Barrett McGurn
From the Herald Tribune Bureau
ROME, Aug. 19. — A pistol duel between two Romans over a lady's ¡honor occurring in the last fortnight has provoked a long and slightly troubled article in the Vatican newspaper

Вырезка из The International Herald Tribune за 20 августа 1946 года.

' Rome Duel Over Lady’s Honor Disturbs Vatican’s Newspaper By Barrett McGurn From the Herald Tribune Bureau ROME, Aug. 19. — A pistol duel between two Romans over a lady's ¡honor occurring in the last fortnight has provoked a long and slightly troubled article in the Vatican newspaper “Osservatore Romano.” All that is needed to complete a “clinical” picture of the post-war social ills is for dueling to regain favor, the Vatican organ asserts. Practically every other physical and spiritual sickness, from tuberculosis to alcoholism and immorality, already flourishes in the wake of the conflict, the paper comments. One heartening thing about the Rome duel, which should be noted, however, the “Osservatore Romano ' points out, is that dueling as a danger to human life did not display itself very seriously. The only person who went to the hospital was the man who rented the weapons, and what a ruck him was an automobile on his way home. The gallants reciprocally missed. “The ridiculous” probably is the best method, after all, to fight duels of that sort, the Vatican paper notes wryly. Dueling flourished two generations ago in Italy, the “Osservatore Romano” recalls. At that time there were about 250 to 300 sucn fights a year. From June to August was the busiest season, with military men, journalists, la,wyersj and students most' frequently engaged upon the field of honor. Mass warfare cut down the dueling in-1 stinct in the intervening decades so that there seems no real likelihood of a revival, the Vatican paper says. Sport contests, comments the paper, are the best form of dueling. One sport, which should be noted as an exception to this rule, however, is the “macabrous sport of boxing in the American style,” it adds. The Vatican has long fought dueling. Catholics are automatically expelled from the Church for participating in duels.
газета,Италия,страны,ватикан,английский язык,дуэль
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> быстрый способ перестать быть католиком - поучаствовать в дуэли
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uaquantum uaquantum 20.08.202117:07 ответить ссылка -0.1
может это не причина, а следствие, но это уже совсем другая история.
s0v3r s0v3r 20.08.202117:12 ответить ссылка 0.1
Как раз вполне понятно где причина, а где следствие.
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