NNetflix O @netflix Me in a job interview Me when I get the job ...except for the I’m good at / work :: caption :: interview :: работа :: собеседование :: без перевода :: Буквы на фоне

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NNetflix O
Me in a job interview
Me when I get the job
...except for the
I’m good at everything	things I’m not.
4:40 PM • 10/5/21 • TweetDeck
22.9K Retweets 1,035 Quote Tweets 112K Likes,Буквы на фоне,без перевода,собеседование,работа,удалённое,caption,interview,work
NNetflix O @netflix Me in a job interview Me when I get the job ...except for the I’m good at everything things I’m not. 4:40 PM • 10/5/21 • TweetDeck 22.9K Retweets 1,035 Quote Tweets 112K Likes
Буквы на фоне,без перевода,собеседование,работа,удалённое,caption,interview,work
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My job lied about being fully vegan
So i got the interview, everything was fine, they were so stoked that I was vegan, too! They said the job would be perfect for me....
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8 hr. ago <- My job lied about being fully vegan So i got the interview, everything was fine, they were so stoked that I was vegan, too! They said the job would be perfect for me.... I came in today, and found out the one non vegan thing they serve is COW'S BREAST MILK. FOR THE COFFEES/LATTES.