Patreon request: Goliath arm wrestling.
According to Jump, the 3 pillars of Shonen Mang
a are: Training, Friendship, and Victory.Подробнее
rf\4w'iUmlWtu V íít'bíbwectó SÄ?I WoftBricKOWI-- и .мнении» sticK-1tart£№beM<MW4, ¡_ П(1/j.r i. «... Kí(*l ÜrejflM A urtio'íbeenUwiníkiittxVMir £\J Oi^eM^Chwip CWv»°*AtP I V ^cffor(^ex^&r(^5^11//^?^ <mOm-on^(»Joï\\c, I
i|o! 0{ '/oiw-fWei'Ick!! £ 'ThtoK<tf pKi MAKArtAU m Translator's Note: Nakama means an Elf s casual acquaintances or anyone who still tolerates their bullshit
Bu^fOrc... Believe in yourself, Seldaana. You are my greatest disciple. You may have the puny arms of an Elf, but you have the heart of a champion! Also, you have a fine ass that I want to pound all night long! Don't you dare lose to anyone other than me, Seldaana. I'm your rival, and I'm the one who will defeat you! Also, we should engage in depraved Lesbian sex! ¡+tk Jirwy ■- Seldaana Onee-chan! Can you promise me that you'll win tomorrow's arm wrestling tournament? I can be brave and get surgery if I know that you're fighting too! Also, when I get better, I want you to take my virginity and make me into a man!
bb (baalbuddy),artist,art девушка,art,арт,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд,Goliath (dnd),Goliath (D&D)
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