Patreon request:Big boob Elf shilling crypto to boomers.(The Goblin is 48 years old, and the Elf is 537.)
Are you interested in an incredible business opportunity!?
I do te You see, I wanted to tell you about the hottest new crytpocurrency: Elfthereum!! It's a coin that uses the blockchain to revolutionize v all Elf-based online transactions!! / / Exactly! And remember, Elfthereum is also the i currency of cool art projects like our latest N-Elf-T ^ l collections, and the MetELF-verse where you 5^- \ can buy REAL digital land in the virtual Elven forest! ! But you have to buy now! ! ! 1 Elfthereum is currently worth 0.000000004 of an Imperial cent, but it's going to be worth millions of times that amount very soon! If you miss this chance you're going to miss out on the decentralized __________democratized economic future!!
I dont do Fiottog of +й<х| ^ -Uifef/tet* MOH^O JuMFoi ^e/4eflber, lit+k a рему 5<v/ed »* a Рел/у Earned ! , X/l^fcAcl of -tlf^t ^píd^'TWCb CíAPy vou ^eed ^° m^e i/W^Meiffr к^еДоп ftciv/ce MVovm Relink H6J5 ^oufcesl
(Reliable TV news source) But don't worry! We're offering an amazing opportunity for you to invest in SILVER! N \ And if you buy now, 1 you'll also get these 1 excellent catheters, 1 and this customized \ high quality pillow!!
bb (baalbuddy),artist,art девушка,art,арт,Эльфийка,Elf,Эльф,без перевода,BB's drawings,artist,art girl,art,,elf,Fantasy race
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