Reasons Maria have said no to sex 27/03 - Not in the mood 25/03 - Headache 29/03 - Not in the mood. 30/03 - Not in the mood 31/03 - Haven't showered in 4 days 01/04- Tired 02/04 - Forgot to shave yesterday 03/04-Tired 04/04 - Tired 05/04 - Upset because WiFi didn't work 06/04 - Headache 07/04 - Kids have been crying al day 08/04-Have a cold 09/04 - Have a cokl 10/04 - Bloated 11/04-Back hurts 12/04-Period 13/04-Penod 14/04 - Period 15/04 - Period 16/04 - Ate too much 17/04 - Ate too much 18/04 - Feeling fat and disgusting 19/04 - Haven't showered in days 20/04 - Kids have been annoying all day 21/04 - Haven't shaved 22/04 - Stressed 23/04 - Stressed 24/04 - Tired 25/04 - Tired 26/04 - Haven't showered in 5 days 27/04 - Headache 28/04 - Headache 29/04 - We had a fight earlier 30/04 - Stai upset about yesterday's fight 01/05 - Stressed over exam papers 02/05 - Not finished with exam papers 03/05 - Sex is not a birthday gift for me 04/05 - Kids have been crying all day 05/05 - Ate too much 06/05 - Bloated 07/05 - Upset we couldn t visit her family 08/05 - Kids are sick 09/05 - Kids are sick 10/05 - Nov/ she's sick 11/05 - Not sick anyway period 12/05 - Period 13/05 - Period 14/05 - Period 15/05 - Actually felt like it but was afraid I'd find her disgusting after her period 16/05 - Feeling sad 17/05 - Had a fight with her sister 18/05 - Upset her mom took her sisters side * 19/05-Tired 20/05 - Not in the mood 21/05- Not in the mood 22/05 -1 had bad breath 23/05 - Upset I ate the leftover lasagna 24/05 - Kids have been crying aH day 25/05 - Annoyed all I think about is sex 26/05 - Back hurts 27/05 - Headache 28/05 - Haven't shaved in 2 weeks 29/05 - Had fight with daycare staff 30/05 - There was a spider on the ceiling 31/05 - Afraid there's more spiders 01/06 - Actually had sex 02/06 - No. v/e just did it yesterday 03/06 - Headache 04/06 -1 look like a kid after shaving my beard 05/06 - My stubble hurts when we kiss
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Муж: Вот представь. У тебя есть классная машина. Красивая такая. Твоя Мечта!
Жена: Ну представила, и? =)
Муж: Так вот. Эта машина неделю не может ездить, потому как у нее профилактика, а до этого 2 недели она к ней готовиться и тоже ездить не может. А в остальное время ездит только по настроению. И как тебе?
Жена: А нах мне такая машина?! =)
Жена: Стой!... ты на что намекаешь?!!!