NOW LISTEN FOLKS Here's the deal. This whole Donald Trump fella thing, now. It just flat-out doesn't make sense. No, I'm serious, Joohn. That's not a joke. Literally. Let me explain: by that I mean. It's just out-and-out not funny. Memes are supposed to be organic and frankly a little stupid, and If you start trylna shoehorn... well look, here's the thing, pal: this just doesn't, quote, "work," end of quote. It makes folks uncomfortable, it's confusing, and— this is the God's truth—it’s the kind of malarkey that hijacks NAFO and takes it down a rabbit hole of domestic American politics to where—now hear me out—it erodes bipartisan support for Ukraine and doesn't do a damn thing to stop Russian aggression. That's not hyperbole. ANYWAY LOOK, HERE'S THE POINT: the point is, this just ain't funny, Joohn. No, I'm serious.
Острый Перец,разное,NAFO,разная политота
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