The USGS operates a really neat email/SMS earthquake notification service ( that allows fine-grained control of notifications.
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VMDi РП ЕАШОЦ^КЕ HIT5, Р£СЖ RJDOOTHE 1МЮТЕГ цпн pc6ts about n"-$df£ илшзоск 30 SECONDS r0eh)63 hike елетиоуяке иeke1. sdshc vjflves travel at 3-5 Fi8£R Signals move at ~2oqocow3$. ■mis mews when the: sasrnc are а80ог 1сокл сял] thctfseglntdge сштакш^ the VJWZSOF POSTS A8COTJym. Ptmz ouiyve тнк (wjs rwgetuorpofthekxm: vlatvjltte^ IRC, or SMS b£for£ the shawmg Hns. SAOY, A 1UiTTrRS& FIRST insti^ISNSTI TO FVJD SHELTER. FT@Roettfc3 HUGE ЕЛКШОУЯКЕ HE
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