яшш UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE FBI INTERNAL USE ONLY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide (U//LES) Militia Violent Extremism (U//LES) SUMMARY______________________ ___________________________________ The Mowing symbols art used by Anti Government or Anti-Authority Violent Ixt'emst*. specifically M»:*t^» Violent («Irmstt (MVf) MVE symbols art ohen found on propaganda. online piatformt. merries. merchand se group logov flags tattoos. uniforms. etc Widespread me of symbols end quotes from American history, especially the Revolutionary war. exists wrthm MVT networks Mrs tone end contemporary mit.tery them« «re common for MVE symbols The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or affiliation or serve as an Indicator of illegal activity, as many individuals use these symbols for their original, historic m**rvn9. of other non violent purposes. (U) SYMBOLS (U) Boogaloo. Aihjdt* to the Nm Brtokm 2 ffrcfnc toogoioo, used by some MVf t to refer to violent upmmg or impending second CrvW War Common imagery incorporât« igloo and/or Hawaiian sNrts/flowers (U Pumther Skull Several variations of ikvjHt. used by ШшШ lui m%*n ** Mo4on ub# etc (U) Anartho Capitalism ("ancap") An ideology held by some MVfs advorat>ng the Slate he ebnunated or minimized end that pobbe services be prodded by private comparers compel ng m a free market Represented by a black and ywlow Rag (U) Warrior Culture: Military themes both historical and contemporary (Spartans. Valhalla) (U) 2A: MVEs ^isbfy thee existence with the Second Amendment doe to the mention of a “well regulated Militia * as well at the nght to bear arms (U) * Melon Labe". MOAONAABE' and 'MoAov ЛаЭ»*. Greek phrase, translates as 'come and take it* and 'come and take them * (U) Electrical resistance symbol: A way to identify as a resistor (U) Black Flag: The Ыеск and white Of a* Mack American Rag is used by some to mcbcate 'no quarter shall be given * (U//FOUO) COMMONLY REFERENCED HISTORICAL IMAGERY OR QUOTES (UJ Gadsden Flag; Historical American symbol, representing gun rights and limited government. (U) Liberty Tree: The Liberty Tree was a famous elm tree m Boston near Boston Common In 176S. colonists m Boston staged the first act of defiance agemt the British government at the tree (UJ Revolutionary War imagery: An example of a militiaman during the Revolutionary war M|——^ (U) Betsy Ross Flag: Revolutionary war imagery harkening back to the 13 colonies and caSs for — revolution (U) For additional information, please contact the Counterterrorism Analysis Section of the FBI Counterterrorism Division via email at FBI CTAS@fbi.gov. •ViVjvrcn hvHow (» woOvrtv rn mar»fu<ert eW apm louse иГигмис* r>-. ^-^ ^-|)h)y^ )fri ггд ^ rciniN lij m» Ш ,V; irrti or шеа *me d eh*S be crimne âne cwm e# WW5 twweaa ewrae e< rgr# guaexiwd b, *e Fnt AmwWiwv io te CawbAon d e» >vW4 ton П» '* 'Л >* Ьшл ЮЩ on9W ngfsti ArremSmont M 1АЛ £WC*OVtNT VKVhVfc T>*,W>r»viec»t *uri*d(WAISnm eocgeeW о »»property off» ad mo, be Osvbutedwewee Mr* {wwm^eee^ncoWanonivA •••**«, '«> tux u/rr, or ргогосм» oAoas ** ndviUi ■*» * tc Iro. burbwfcy* Ьеу-опО (Пт mtfc« «thou 1« «uihcnutos a раМке* ^«tjufcovi thrnM bt Uun to nw« tfw I’tomjao* • awed jnAsv Oortroyerf n t wur hu peckdo* uvMhonted aoceis hAveet»* beewj Ye US ceeot euy act be u%#d « ege ргсчмчХ’ф uOiout he «ocewnç ъ&кггжпл S»» V .vg>ur-nç eprir, *w о*'.«» ее ponzwd him wb*<x*rbf peaenç tr» шЛутлоп -чп*1 US m I «eta.»* ж *n wncuu**d nMvw FBI INTERNAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIEO//IAW ENFORECMENT SENSITIVE
UNCLASSIfIID//IAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE FBI INTERNAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO) COMMON PHRASES AND REFERENCES (U) ’VkWn tyranny kvvmn lav. rrWLon become» duty' usd uanatun» (U) TMr an nmyvÁtn‘ and *aj4vi tu.' *1 mO not ccwnpiy.* and *AJ! ud imnhc ’ (U) TV Im oflcbnty muat V rifwMjnm tun* to time wvtk tbr Wxd of patrwb and tyrant» ' (U) *1 brcamr иппактдЫс' (U) *Ha name HI Duncan temp* (WTMrt Riipdalfd WvanVUtu ЛЛ MVEt conudtf the following indnndual» to be Martyr» • (U) Vicki Weaver (Roby R*dge IW) • (V/ Marvin Heemeyer (KiMOZtf 2004) • (Ui LaVoy Ftnkum (MNWR .>016) • <U) Duncan lamp (2020) • лл AiMt Babbitt (Capitol Siaga 2021) (U) SYMBOLS OF MILITIA NETWORKS SOME MVEs MAY SELF IDENTIFY WITH * * * WlThr«« Percenter*. IllXer», 1%#»», Threeper» A * T T T*4 US ideology baved on the myth that only )X ol «111» American» (ought back agamic the Intivh during * « * * the Revolutionary war Often rept* vented by live iOman numeral •»urrounded by t i »tart to repretent the original 11 ttatet <v- 0#hl Cool Mill lie led detertbed decenrr.l ,/ed w orfantaador» o< local, county bated miht*a umtt c onatMution agamti all an«m(«v foreign and dawaOa* - (U//FOUO) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS MVEs MAY REFERENCE (U) Ruby Ridge (U) 21 Auguit 1992, 11-day armed »eg# at the Weaver render* e Naplev Idaho (U) Waco (U) 23 February 1991. Armed »iege at the Branch Oavxftan Compound. Waco. T*»a » (U//LES) NOTABLE ATTACKS OR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY THAT INSPIRE MVEs (U) 19 April 199S. m Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, bombing of the Alfred P Murrah bu.ldmg Taroebryi the US government, killed 16B teveral hundred injured v " mewM ........ ■ ------ (U) October 2016. three MVLt were arretted fot planning to conduct an 1ED attack on an apartment comp *. Garden City, Kar.cav where Mutlim immigrant» from SomaUa Wed and won hepped •ni »»N* «nbu»h»tyto attack» by alleged MVt occult eg.-.t .«ч ^ , , and law enforcement officer» 2 were kilted and J injured (U//LES) TIMEUNE OF KEY EVENTS IN MVE HISTORY 2014 • PRESENT I M American Contingency Ma*n*tream m ta I nationwide moitfy on Wee activity, tow hntory of I violence (U) Oath Keeper» A US baaed ч* .»ey cxgenued rrwMia group comiitmg ot current and former nvinary. рыке, and fto»t reaponden who p*ed(je 10 h**« 'he oath that all military and police lake to 'defend th« i'wv»t i •fkundyAjnch ! Neucnal t*hwen UO» W*Nf RAgt andaundy ( rt fnnutOA Mtoortan owt I Oregon «(ter arm«) MVft recred and occupwJthe buadng dnam mgrant* aide toujwrn ootowaog^ IUI March 9 I § (V) (Xsvan (UJAnMtf » I (U)tndv«xw\ lamp »Pad «rntM/tej «UJnjK<r* dunng a Ihootoutwch no knock UO» «me» parbrpatana •mirant n ■»OOC'ona мд* <4 the US Maryland car CapaoiButooj FBI INTERNAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE
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