FROM THE AMERICAN PÉOF-LE USAID WHO WE ARE WHAT WE DO WHERE WE WORK RESULTS & DATA WORK WITH USAID HOME » NEWS & INFORMATION » FACT SHEETS » USAID flV RUSSIA NEWS AND INFORMATION PRESS RELEASES CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY SPEECHES PHOTO GALLERY THE IMPACT BLOG FACT SHEETS VIDEOS EVENTS NEWSLETTER FRONTLINES MAGAZINE Photo Contest Podcasts Archive BRANDING USAID IN RUSSIA Over the past two decades. USAID has provided assistance that has helped the Russian people improve public health and combat infectious diseases, protect the environment, develop a stronger civil society, and modernize their economy. As Russia has grown into a middle income country, the nature of USAID's work has evolved beyond primarily providing technical assistance with a large focus on collaboration By 2012 the majority of USAID's engagement revolved around the promotion of an open and innovative society in Russia and a strengthened partnership between the U.S. and Russia The work led to many breakthroughs and transformations described below. economic, political and social lite in numerous ways and provide opportunities tor citizens to help create better communities and elevate their voices. USAID has helped foster the development of skills and relationships that have generated a more resilient information environment, especially as technology has evolved Since 1992 USAID has supported the development of professional relationships between Russian and American journalists, publishers electronic media managers, designers, content developers, advertising specialists and new media practitioners In recent years USAID media programs have worked to encourage convergence between traditional and new innovative digital media USAID-funded Rule of Law implementers helped draft the Russian Constitution Part I of the Russian Civil Code and the Russian Tax Code USAID assistance led directly to the adoption of the 2001 Land Code which provided the right to buy. sell and own urban and rural land in Russia Лица, принимающие законы, финансируемые USAID помогли в составлении российской конститу ции, первой части российского гражданского кодекса и российского налогового кодекса.
конституция,творцы,Россия,США,песочница,ложь пиздеж и провокация
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